Sound Therapy Trainings
Certification Programs and Master Classes

The 9ways Academia offers 3 certification programs: a 2 part Sound Therapy module which includes Metaphysics (the Metaphysical Understandings of Sound Therapy,) and the Practicum (Mentoring, Demonstrations, Substantiation). An advanced study with Himalayan Singing Bowls, the Bönpo Shang and Gong.
Programs are scheduled ONLINE or In Person
In Person programs are called 'TRANSMISSION'
Online programs are called 'DIDACTIC'
❖ SOUND THERAPY CERTIFICATION TRAINING IN 2 MODULES: Sonic Theology is the only college level program in North America focused on Spiritual Harmonic Knowledge. Unlike other programs that teach from an 'instrument based' approach; Sonic Theology focuses on the student as being the 'instrument that requires tuning'. This integrated method insures that whatever sound instrument you are using, you will possess the knowledge and wisdom to use it therapeutically. Sonic Theology is broken into 2 components- Spiritual Harmonic Knowledge and Spiritual Acoustic Expression. These 2 components contain 2 modules: the Metaphysics, and the Skillful Methods (Practicum) of Sound Therapy, this 126+ hour program equaling nearly 3 semesters of college level training, spread over 2 sessions, and covering 18 days, goes far beyond the scope of other 'sound healing programs.' Each module includes at least 3 instructors. This in-depth program is focused on the Sound Therapists of tomorrow and offers a level of training unmatched by other organizations. Let us be very clear, we are teaching you the Science, History, Methodology, Theory, and Philosophy of Sound Therapy, not giving you musical instrument lessons. Just because you know how to play a crystal bowl, does not make you a Sound Therapist, just like knowing how to apply a bandage does not make you a doctor. Long ago, Music was regarded as the highest of the sciences, the musician was the High Priest who safeguarded 'harmony' (order). These are academic studies stressing small intimate class size, with Socratic methodology, students are not only educated, but empowered and instilled with confidence. This is a CERTIFICATION program. The schedule for the Sound Therapy Training Module CLICK HERE.
* 9ways will be pausing METAPHYSICS (part 1 of Sonic Theology) in 2026
❖ HIMALAYAN SINGING BOWL CERTIFICATION: A 500+ hour college level program on everything about the Singing Bowls and their relationship to Sound Therapy. The program includes a faculty of instructors including teachers from the Himalayas and a Tibetan lineage Lama. Students are required to complete the Sound Therapy Module, the 9ways Singing Bowls of the Himalayas program, and receive Instructor approval. This is the most advanced training in the world! Students are now paying over $1300 and more for benign programs that are simply a masquerade to sell you sets of Singing Bowls. The 9ways Academia has been offering workshops on Himalayan Singing Bowls longer than anyone else in North America, and has earned the respect from Nepalese and Tibetan academics. Students and health care professionals engaged in Massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Acupuncture, Reiki, Network Chiropractic, Yoga and Meditation, as well as nurses in leading hospitals, the spa industry, Psychologists and social workers are strongly urged to consider this program. The date for the next Singing Bowl Certification TBA.
❖ GONG STUDIES: Two Intensive programs for beginners to experts
1). GONG CAMP: The Gong is one of man's oldest therapeutic instruments, and is used in yoga, sound meditation, and vibrational therapy from the distant past to present. The Gong is an ideal tool for stress reduction, stimulation of the glandular system, and as a facilitator to break up emotional blockages. This training program is meant to take you through the world of the Gong which makes this an ideal course of study for those who own Gongs, or are thinking of purchasing one. Aspects of this program will cover Gong styles and types, playing implements, stands, playing techniques including rub mallets, and more. Essentially this program is about 'everything Gong', no other instruments of any kind are introduced to interrupt your transmission on the Gong. There is no other program in the world quite like this one. For our next Gong Master Class, CLICK HERE.
2). Big Metal 1 Invitation Only • An exercise in Aspiration and Diligence, on top of the Right Attitude and Right Conduct. You cannot work with spiritual substances until YOU change. Students who have completed Sonic Theology and a Gong Camp are automatically eligible for this program. Everyone requires instructor approval.
This program replaces The Art of the Zildjin, the Art of Tactile Tonality, and Organon in the sense of now we are working with Gongs over 40 inches.
❖ BONPO SHANG Transmission: "Students must exhibit the Right Attitude and the Right Conduct for consideration, and requires instructor approval for entry. This is a 4 part program broken into Wangs with numerous instructors, which includes a spiritual practice, with chant and exercise instructors. Tight traditional protocols are followed, and Shangs are provided for student use. We examine the Shang from it’s pre-Imperial beginnings at the time of the Shen, this pre Yungdrung Bon experience is based upon over 3 decades of research and investigation by our Senior Research Director who holds a traditional title in the Long Life practices of today’s Yungdrung Bon." EMAIL.
These intensive, specialized programs allow you to make an impact in your community, with your family and friends, and can offer a life changing opportunity for personal growth.
During the year we offer many different types of programs on Sound Therapy and Sound Therapy instruments of many kinds; the Sound Workers Cookbook is our 'instrument based 'program that is broken into 4 modules covering over 30 different instruments both ancient and modern. This 4 module program is held over weekends and is a cost effective means to receiving real training from multiple instructors. To view our programs for this coming year, CLICK HERE.